Fertility Awareness for women of all ages

Ovulation is known as the fifth vital sign and all women should be able to identify a cycle as ovulatory or anovulatory. 

Kelly teaches fertility awareness classes for women in all stages of reproductive life: from pre-teens awaiting their first cycle, to teens learning how to understand the signs of their bodies, to single women charting for cycle health, to couples trying to achieve or avoid pregnancy, to women navigating perimenopause.  

Explore our programs below and contact Kelly for a free consultation to talk about which course would best fit the needs of your cycle!

SymptoPro Fertility Education is a Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning that has been providing quality and effective education for 35 years.  Couples can use the method to avoid or achieve pregnancy, monitor their reproductive health, and identify infertility concerns.

Based upon the research of Dr. Josef Roetzer, SymptoPro teaches couples how to chart the signs of cervical mucus, vaginal sensation, basal body temperature, and changes at the cervix (optional) to determine the fertile and infertile phases of the cycle.   

Cherry Blossom Buds is a fertility education ministry for mothers and daughters.  The ministry offers 3 age-appropriate cycle awareness programs written for girls and young women as they journey through adolescence.  Each program incorporates principles from The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, a document by the Pontifical Council for the Family, and is specifically designed to meet the unique characteristics of the developing adolescent menstrual cycle.  

Through our programs, girls and young women are empowered to accurately pinpoint when the menstrual period is due and apply nutritional strategies to support and maintain a healthy cycle.  Mothers also learn how to use the cycle awareness chart to monitor their daughter’s reproductive health. Kelly is the creator of Cherry Blossom Buds and trains Natural Family Planning Instructors throughout Catholic Dioceses in the U.S. to teach our cycle awareness programs.


Blossom is designed for girls who are awaiting the first menstrual period.  The program teaches girls very simple cervical mucus and basal body temperature observations to pinpoint 1 to 2 weeks in advance when the first menstrual period will begin.  


Bloom is designed for girls who are cycling, ages 11 to 15.  The program teaches girls how to use the cervical mucus sign to accurately pinpoint when the menstrual period is due.  Bloom also teaches girls nutritional strategies to keep the cycle healthy and introduces them to God's plan for the feminine design.  

Beauty Revealed

Beauty Revealed is designed for young women, ages 16 to 22, who cycles are approaching the reproductive stage of maturity.  The program teaches young women how to observe the biomarkers of cervical mucus, vaginal sensation, basal body temperature, and urinary metabolites to identify ovulation, accurately pinpoint when the menstrual period is due, and monitor their reproductive health. 

The young women then choose an ovulation method approach, a sympto-thermal method approach, or a sympto-hormonal method approach to learn which signs are strongest for them.  

Beauty Revealed focuses on living a healthy culture of the body and teaches young women the theology of Natural Family Planning.  The program also includes NEST for Young Women, a holistic nutrition coaching system that teaches young women how to eat and live in synch with the phases of the cycle.

Nest Fertility Awareness

NEST Fertility Awareness is a very simple method of cycle charting that uses the signs of cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and urinary metabolites to help women identify ovulation, accurately pinpoint when the menstrual period is due, determine their stage of reproductive life, monitor their reproductive health, and asses the effectiveness of nutritional strategies for menstrual health.


The system was designed to be used with the NEST Hormonal Balance Holistic Nutrition program, but can be used by any woman interested in learning about how her feminine body works and discovering her unique cycle. 

NEST does not teach couples how to use their biomarkers to avoid pregnancy, so it can be particularly helpful for single women.