Holistic Nutrition Coaching Plans
60-Minute Nutrition Coaching Session
60-minute Nutrition Coaching Session
60-minute Nutrition Coaching Session
Your 60-minute Nutrition Coaching package includes a thorough evaluation of your intake form and targeted strategies for your cycle concerns and symptoms. During our coaching session, we will personalize a plan that will meet your needs and help you reach your goals.
Menstrual Cycle Health Nutritional Analysis
The Menstrual Cycle Health Nutritional Analysis uses a detailed 3-day food diary to give us a picture of how the foods that you regularly consume may be positively or negatively affecting your cycle. The package includes a thorough evaluation of your intake form, manual dietary analysis of your 3-day food diary, focusing on your macronutrient, micronutrient, and phytonutrient intake, a 60-minute nurtition coaching session and two 30-minute health coaching follow-up appointments. Clients have the option of combining the Menstrual Cycle Health Nutritional Analysis with our NEST Fertility Awareness Charting System or a course in Natural Family Planning.
NEST Hormonal Balance
NEST Hormonal Balance
NEST Hormonal Balance
My NEST Hormonal Balance program will take you through a three-stage process that will teach you the nutritional foundations of menstrual health and the support pillars of hormone balance. It will then guide you through targeted strategies to improve your specific cycle symptoms. Nest Hormonal Balance can be used in every stage of reproductive life . . . from adolescence through perimenopause . . . and will teach you what to expect in your specific stage, so that you can have confidence navigating your cycle. The package includes the NEST Fertility Awareness Charting System, a 3-day food diary nutritional analysis, two 60-minute Nutrition Coaching Sessions, and 6 Health Coaching follow-up appointments where we design a N-E-S-T lifestyle plan for your unique cycle and fertility goals. At each of our sessions, we'll use your cycle chart to evaluate your progress. Clients have the option to upgrade to a full course in Natural Family Planning or to one our cycle awareness charting courses for teens..
Fertility Awareness Classes
SymptoPro Fertility Education
SymptoPro Fertility Education
SymptoPro Fertility Education
SymptoPro Fertilitity Education is an evidence-based, Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning that teaches couples how to observe the signs of cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and changes that occur at the cervix (optional). Couples learn how to use these signs to avoid or acheive preganancy, identify conception and set an accurate due date, identify infertility concerns, and monitor their reproductive health. The SymptoPro Client Course consists of 3 two-hour Instructional sessions, 2 45-minute comprensive follow-up appointments, and 6 months of chart review.
An additional materials cost of approximately $50 will be charged after registration in complete.
NEST Fertility Awareness
NEST Fertility Awareness
NEST Fertility Awareness
NEST Fertility Awareness is a very simple method of cycle charting that uses the signs of cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and urinary metabolites. NEST is designed to help clients assess their progress when applying nutritional and lifestyle strategies to target menstrual cycle symptoms and improve fertility and cycle health. NEST also helps women to accurately pinpoint when the menstrual cycle is due, identify ovulation, determine their stage of reproductive life, and monitor their reproductive health, NEST does not teach couples how to use their biomarkers to avoid pregnancy. The package includes 1 90-minute instructional session and 1 30-minute chart review.
Cycle Charting for Teens
The Blossom Cycle Awareness Charting System
Blossom is designed for girls awaiting the first menstrual period. The program teaches girls to observe cervical mucus and basal body temperature to pinpoint 1 to 2 weeks in advance when their first menstrual period will start. The package includes a 2-hour private Virtual Seminar attended by mother and daughter and one 30-minute Follow-up / Chart Review. Registrants also receive free, lifetime access to all of our online, printable materials: The Blossom Instruction Booklet, Activity Packet, and Charts and Sticker Sheets. The Home Instruction Program is also available. Blossom upholds the virtues of chastity and purity and does not teach girls how to use their signs to avoid preganancy.
The Bloom Cycle Awareness Charting System
Bloom is designed for girls ages 11 to 15 who are cycling. The program uses an ovulation method approach to enable girls to use the cervical mucus sign to accurately determine when their menstrual period is due. The program also iincludes nutritional and lifestyle strategies to keep the cycle healthy, introduces girls to God's plan for the feminine design, and teaches mothers how to use the Bloom Chart to monitor their daughters' reproductive health. The package includes three 2-hour private Virtual Seminars attended by mother and daughter and one 30-minute Follow-up / Chart Review. Registrants also receive free, lifetime access to all of our online, printable materials: The Bloom Menstrual Cycle Book, The Bloom Charting Booklet, The Bloom Mother's Guide, Activity Packet, Charts and Sticker Sheets. The Home Instruction Program is also available. Bloom upholds the virtues of chastity and purity and does not teach girls how to use the cervical mucus sign to avoid preganancy.
The Beauty Revealed Cycle Awareness Charting System
Beauty Revealed is written for young women whose menstrual cycles are approaching or have reached the reproductive stage of maturity, generally ages 16 to 22. Beauty Revealed teaches young women how to chart the cycle biomarkers of cervical mucus, vaginal sensation, basal body temperature, and urinary metabolites to enable them to identify ovulation, accurately pinpoint when the menstrual period is due, and monitor their reproductive health. Each young woman chooses an ovulation method approach, a sympto-thermal method approach, or a sympto-hormonal method approach to charting, so that she can learn which signs and approach work best for her. The program also introduces young women to the theology of Natural Family Planning and includes NEST for Young Women, a holistic nutrition coaching system that focuses on eating and living in synch with the phases of the cycle. Beauty Revealed upholds the virtues of chastity and purity and does not teach young women how to use their signs to avoid preganancy. The beta-version of Beauty Revealed will be ready in April of 2025 and consists of three 2-hour PowerPoint Sessions attended by mother and daughter and one 30-minute follow-up / chart review.
Follow-up Appointments
30-Minute Health Coaching Follow-up
Health Coaching provides clients with the encouragement, accountability, motivation, and continued educuation that are necessary for success. During your follow-up session, we will talk about the challenges and triumphs that you have experienced with your nutritional and lifestyle goals, evaluate your motivation to change, and make necessary tweaks. For clients who have completed both nutrition and fertility awareness packages, charts may also be reviewed during this session.
30-Minute Chart Review
30-Minute Chart Review
30-Minute Chart Review
During your Chart Review appointment, we'll interpret your chart answer any questions that you have, and make new recommendations, if needed. If you wish to discuss nutritional recommendations concerning your cycle, please purchase the 30-Minute Health Coaching Follow-up Appointment instead of the 30-Minute Chart Review.